Sliding Window
Fixed Size Window
// Using Subarray sum to implement two methods to write fixed sliding window
using namespace std;
// Follow this approach while solving tho!!
// In this method we manipulate the window using two pointers and we do so in a single loop
// here building of first window takes place together with the checking
int usePointersDirectly(vector<int> arr,int k){
// Here k is the size of the subarray given in the question
// The window size can be calculated using the formula right-left+1
// for example , for [2,3,4,1,9] k =3 the left=0 , right=2 for first window then its size is right - left + 1 = 2-0+1=3 always
int left = 0, right = 0;// two pointers used to manipulate the sliding window
int sum = 0, maxSum = INT_MIN;
int n = arr.size();
while (right < n){
sum += arr[right];
// building of sliding window
if ((right - left + 1) < k)
// Checking of condtions
else if((right-left+1)==k){
maxSum = max(maxSum, sum);
//decrease the sum from the left
sum -= arr[left];
// move both the pointers forward to slide the window
return maxSum;
// Second method : In this method the building of sliding window takes place in another loop and then checking is done in another loop
int usePointersIndirectly(vector<int>arr,int k){
int sum = 0, maxSum = INT_MIN;
int n = arr.size();
// building of sliding window
for (int left=0; left < k;left++){
sum += arr[left];
// checking of condtions
for (int right = k; right < n;right++){
// as the window is already of good size
maxSum = max(maxSum, sum);
// subtract the left pointer sum and add the new right pointer sum
sum -= arr[right - k] + arr[right];
return maxSum;
int main(){
int n;
cout << " n";
cin >> n;
int k;
cout << "k";
cin >> k;
vector<int> arr(n);
cout << "enter elements of array" << endl;
for (auto &it : arr){
cin >> it;
cout << "Using method one" << " " << usePointersDirectly(arr, k) <<" "<<"Using method 2 " << usePointersIndirectly(arr, k);